Max Centro de Estudos

Cursos na Área de Saúde

O Max Centro de Estudos oferece cursos de especialização e extensão médica, voltados para o aperfeiçoamento profissional e o desenvolvimento de novas habilidades na área da saúde. Com foco na excelência e em metodologias atualizadas, os cursos são ideais para médicos que buscam se destacar e oferecer um atendimento de ponta aos seus pacientes.

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One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small ‘pores’ in the septum into the left side to be oxygenated, as theorized by Galen; however, the discovery of pulmonary circulation disproves this theory.

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Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small ‘pores’ in the septum into the left side to be oxygenated, as theorized by Galen; however, the discovery of pulmonary circulation disproves this theory. One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation.

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Why patients choose our center

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Our Team

Team of Professionals

Melody Wilson

Melody Wilson

Simon Higgins

Simon Higgins

Chiara Walter

Chiara Walter

Mason Rudd

Mason Rudd


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    Fone: (81) 2011-4050
    CNPJ: 02.434.658/0001-37